
Solar Energy Industrialists and Industry Association (GENSED) Solar Energy and Energy Storage was hosted by İzmir Atatürk Organised Industrial Zone.

Mustafa Karabağlı, Chairman of the High Advisory Board, who made the opening speech of the meeting, said that they have already reached 45 MW installed power in the Region and that the installation of 10 power plants is ongoing, ‘When the new powers are commissioned, we will reach 55 MW power. We have a GES power plant that will provide almost 1/3 of the energy needs of our region. This will relieve the hand of our regional industrialists in the future.’ Energy storage systems are an important issue for the future of the sector. ‘Energy storage is a kind of energy recycling. It means an increase in energy efficiency. However, other recycling will knock on our door in the near future. Our grid lines will turn into direct current over time. Everyone should be ready for this. There will be separations from the grids. Because the person who stores will not want to be subject to the grid and will want to manage the energy with their own rules. Wireless charging and related systems are also on our agenda. We will gradually make a journey towards wireless transmission.’ Karabağlı said that they have made investments in the recovery of wastewater in Atatürk Organised Industrial Zone, and that they will recycle the recycled wastewater and offer it to the use of the industry, sharing that they have done an exemplary work in Turkey in this regard, and wished the meeting to be beneficial for everyone. Tolga Murat Özdemir, Chairman of the Board of GENSED, said that energy storage is essential for the development of solar or wind energy. People will produce, store and use their energy to be independent from the grid, he said. While saying that the problems experienced with the replacement of energy storage systems next to solar energy can be prevented, he emphasised that today, industrialists will produce their own electricity with the micro-grids in the future. 24. conveyed his thanks to the IAOSB Management for this meeting they held. Cenk Karace, Chairman of the Board of Directors of IAOSB, expressed his pleasure to be together with the pioneers of the sector and presented a plaque to Tolga Murat Özdemir, Chairman of the Board of Directors of GENSED.
