University Industry Cooperation: Supporting our companies to increase their competitiveness by encouraging them to work on R&D and Innovation is among the objectives of our Region. The evaluation of the potential of the university to create innovation and the industry to commercialise this knowledge can only be realised when the parties meet on a common platform. Based on this, periodic university-industry matching events with the theme ‘IAOSB Industrialists and Izmir Universities Meeting (ÜSE)’ are organised. This event was organised for the first time in 2011 as a matchmaking programme to bring industry and universities together and is repeated once a year. Thanks to this event, which continues to grow with the increasing number of participants and academics every year, industrialists have the opportunity to meet with academics with expertise in their projects, while academics can share their project ideas with companies.
In addition, cooperation with Ege University continues within the scope of the protocol signed in 2010 and 2018.
Vocational Training Centre: While operating under the management of our region, education and training activities are carried out by a total of 24 permanent teachers, 5 of whom are managers, 1 officer and 2 auxiliary staff. It is ensured that the trainings are carried out in line with the needs of our Region through joint studies with the Vocational Training Centre, which operates within the borders of our Region as the 2nd Centre of Izmir. Within the scope of the joint work carried out by our Regional Directorate and our School; Training of personnel working in Heavy and Dangerous Works and Development and Adaptation Courses for employees working in enterprises according to the demands of our participants are carried out.
Training: IAOSB has been cooperating with universities since 2011 in order to contribute to the postgraduate education of industrialists and employees of our region. Within the scope of these collaborations, IAOSB members can benefit from certain discount rates in the programmes to be held at Yaşar University, Izmir University of Economics and Bakırçay University's own campuses and training halls. In addition, IAOSB Seminars, information meetings on changing legislation, and panel organisations bringing together experts in their fields are organised in order to increase the knowledge and awareness of our participants and their employees in the fields of professional, technical or personal development.
Project Desk: One of the activities carried out in order to increase the competitiveness of the companies operating in our region, to support their project development capacities and to enable them to expand abroad is the Project Desk. Within the scope of the Project Desk, studies are carried out in order for the participants to benefit more effectively from the supports of institutions such as Ministries, KOSGEB, TÜBİTAK, İZKA. The services provided in this context can be listed as researching the suitability of the project idea, activities and costs for the support programmes of various institutions, informing the companies about the application method and the activities to be carried out, and providing guidance on the preparation of the application forms by reviewing them together.
Clustering: The general objective of the IAOSB Machinery Metal Casting Cluster, which started its activities in July 2009 with the ‘Project for Increasing the Competitiveness of the IAOSB Machinery, Metal and Casting Sectors with a Cluster Approach’, is to increase the competitiveness of the companies operating in the machinery, metal and casting sectors in IAOSB. Within the scope of cluster activities; joint purchasing, vocational trainings for qualified labour force, studies for the development of University-Industry Cooperation are included.
Sectoral Workshops: Workshops, whose aim is to identify the problems encountered in the sectors and solution proposals in order to form the basis for the IAOSB Board of Directors to determine new project targets, are organised for the sectors concentrated in IAOSB. It is aimed to develop common problems of our companies operating in the sector and solutions to these problems by organising sector research, field work and interactive workshops.
IAOSB Vision Days: Our regional participants and employees are brought together with opinion leaders and/or experts in their fields through meetings organised in the fields of economy, industry, culture and art. To date, the Vision Days have hosted artists Müjdat Gezen, Journalist Writer Uğur Civelek, Prof. Dr. Üstün Dökmen, Faruk Eczacıbaşı, Economist Atilla Yeşilada.
For contact:
Emrah DEMİRAĞ - Project and Business Development Unit - 276