How can I find a parcel for rent or for sale in IAOSB?
The sale of the parcels belonging to IAOSB is made by auction tender by placing advertisements in newspapers when needed. The rental and sales transactions of the parcels belonging to the companies are carried out by the companies themselves, and our participants who wish can hang an advertisement on the For Sale - For Rent board on the ground floor of our regional directorate. Before the sale and leasing of the parcels belonging to the companies, the purchasing or leasing companies must apply to the IAOSB and obtain approval from the IAOSB. The company to be involved in the leasing process must be a member of the Aegean Region Chamber of Industry and must produce in the sector permitted in our region.
Why should I be a member of IAOSB website?
If you are a member of our website, you will be able to update your information by accessing the section reserved for your company on our website, and as participants of our region, you will be able to easily access information on whether your dues and invoices accrued by our region are paid regularly. You can apply to our Information Processing Unit with a petition to get your internet password for your company.
How can I follow your announcements and events?
Our web site has RSS feature. Thanks to our RSS service, you will be able to follow our frequently updated announcements from your computer from the moment of publication. You can subscribe using the RSS link in the lower right corner of the website.
How can I become a member of IAOSB website?
Only our participants and companies operating in our region can become a member of the IAOSB website. You can apply to our Information Processing Unit with a petition to get your password for your company.
How can I find the product I'm looking for?
To search for products manufactured in İAOSB, you can use the Product Search section of the İAOSB Companies and Products search engine on the Homepage. You can also use the Product Search menu from the Companies link on the top menu.
How can I reach the companies operating in IAOSB?
To reach the companies operating in IAOSB; You can use the IAOSB Companies and Products search engine on the homepage. In addition, you can reach the companies you want by searching in different criteria in the same way from the Firms link on the top menu.
How can I access the list of all companies operating in IAOSB?
You can download the information of the companies operating in IAOSB in excel format by using the Export to Excel button in the Companies menu on the homepage. You can also search for the sector you want and download the companies listed with the Export to Excel button.