
Dear Participant

İzmir Atatürk Organised Industrial Zone has been providing non-refundable success scholarships to students in need for more than 25 years within the scope of community benefit activities. Thanks to these scholarships, students who can hardly or even cannot continue their education life have had the opportunity to continue and complete their education.

Article 23 of the OIZ Implementation Regulation, which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette dated 16.04.2020, titled Duties and Authorities of the Enterprising Committee and General Assembly, contains the provision ‘To decide on donations and submit this decision to the approval of the Ministry's Authority’. In accordance with the aforementioned article, our Zone has submitted the donations and aids planned to be made by our Zone in line with the annual budget programme approved by our General Assembly as of 2020 to the approval of the Ministry of Industry and Technology of the Republic of Turkey, and all the issues presented have been approved until this year. However, unfortunately, none of the issues submitted to the approval of the Ministry this year have been approved. The success scholarships given to university and high school students, which we consider to be the most important among them and which we have been continuing for more than 25 years, have thus, unfortunately, become unpayable as of January 2024, although we have promised scholarships to students for the year 2023-2024.

According to the 2024 budget programme approved by our General Assembly, our university students are paid a monthly scholarship of 3,000 TL/person and we have 87 students in total. In order to keep the scholarship promise given to our students by İzmir Atatürk Organised Industrial Zone, the scholarship amounts for the period January-June 2024 must be paid as 18,000 TL/person in total for university students.

The payment of these scholarships, which have been continuing for more than 25 years by our region, is of great importance for our young people who will return to our enterprises as qualified employees who will contribute to the development of our industry to continue their education. It will be possible to pay these payments through our IAOSB Foundation with the contribution of our esteemed industrialist friends by undertaking the scholarship cost of our students.

I look forward to your support and kindly request your information and necessity on the subject.

Sincerely yours,

Izmir Atatürk Organised Industrial Zone
Chairman of the Board of Directors

Bank account details:

Note: It can be deposited with the description ‘scholarship fee’ in the description section.
Account Holder: İzmir Atatürk Organised Industrial Zone Industrialists And Businessmen Health And Education Foundation
Vakifbank IAOSB Branch
IBAN: TR93 0001 5001 5800 7323 0758 33

Emine ÇEVİK - Izmir Atatürk Organised Industrial Zone Registrar
Tel: 0232 376 71 76 / 206 - ecevik@iaosb.org.tr
