
Dear Participant

A training programme called ‘Digital Transformation Leadership Training’ will be organised by KOSGEB Izmir Directorate in cooperation with MEXT Technology Centre within the scope of European Business Network on 24-25-26 April 2024 at the Seminar Hall of IAOSB Directorate. 

The training is free of charge and free of charge for business officials, managers and engineers working in related departments who have digital transformation plans, who have studies on digital transformation and who want to increase their awareness on this issue. Detailed information about the training content is attached. Participation requests must be submitted via the application form link until 18 April 2024. Due to the limited quota for the training, after the evaluation of the applications, the participants selected by MEXT Technology Centre will be returned until 19 April 2024. It has been stated by KOSGEB that priority will be given to small and medium-sized enterprises within the framework of the Regulation on the Classification of SMEs and enterprises in medium-high and high technology areas according to the NACE code.

I kindly request your information and necessity to ensure the participation of your employees in the training, which we believe will make a great contribution to the digitalisation efforts of our enterprises. 

Best regards,

Izmir Atatürk Organised Industrial Zone
Chairman of the Board of Directors

Link to the application form for participation: https://messrc.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cXWOBaICQywndSm 
